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Wavefunction matching is revolutionizing the study of quantum many-body systems, allowing scientists to perform previously impossible computations by adjusting interactions at short distances. This technique enables accurate simulations of light nuclei, medium-mass nuclei, neutron matter, and nuclear matter, closely matching empirical data on nuclear properties. This breakthrough is beneficial not only in quantum computing but...
Preventable patient harm remains a pressing issue in healthcare, with medication errors posing a significant threat. These errors contribute to an estimated 140,000 to 440,000 deaths annually in the U.S. Adverse events related to drug administration account for a substantial portion of this figure, particularly in high-risk settings like operating...
We crafted our first rodent car from a plastic cereal container. After trial and error, my colleagues and I found that rats could learn to drive forward by grasping a small wire that acted like a gas pedal. Before long, they were steering with surprising precision to reach a Froot...
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has redefined humanity’s capacity to study the cosmos. Its unprecedented sensitivity in the near-infrared spectrum allows scientists to analyze high-redshift galaxies in detail once unimaginable. Recent discoveries reveal not only the structure of ancient galaxies but also peculiar phenomena that challenge conventional models of...