3 Personal Branding Traps To Avoid

How you build your brand is important. Here are a few common pitfalls many people make when … [+] establishing their brand.


What we post, how we respond, and whose podcast we choose to be a guest on contribute to our personal brand. In fact, anything we do that can be posted online has an impact. Yet, how easy is it to read a post that excites or infuriates us, and before we know it, we hit “return” to a comment we can’t take back?

Consistent branding is attributed to business growth and increased revenue by at least 10%. Consistency extends to brand values, images, and messaging on all social channels, podcasts, other speaking engagements, and print. Even though statistics show that 85% of organizations have brand guidelines, only 30% follow those consistently.

Your personal brand is essential for career growth, whether working in a corporate environment or building your own business. It’s your calling card — who you are, what you do, your values, and how you express them. Good personal branding begins with being authentically who you are, using style, personality, persistence, and distinction. It’s easy to remember these “rules” when building your website, updating your social sites, or marketing your products or services because you’re devoting your full attention to these tasks as you’re doing them. But when you’re responding to someone else’s rant, it can be easy to make an off-handed comment that potentially damages your brand. Two other often overlooked branding mistakes include choosing non-congruent market affiliations or speaking engagements.

Here are some dos and don’ts to these three oft-overlooked mistakes in personal branding:

1. Comment mindfully or not at all on other’s social media posts.

One way to build brand exposure is to comment on what other people are talking about, especially influencers who align with your brand. But before hitting “return” on the keyboard, ask yourself if you’re helping or hurting your brand.

Never forget the importance of inclusivity. Your comments must feel inclusive. A McKinsey study found that two out of three people shared that social values helped shape their shopping choices. These consumers base their buying decisions on social media, friends’ recommendations, and personal stories from bands they like and trust.
Respond to posts that align with your brand. Avoid the temptation to tap the “like” button. Instead, write a response. Your name and photo are attached whenever you respond to someone else’s posts, so make it count. Following companies you would like to work for has been a common LinkedIn strategy for many years. In 2012, LinkedIn announced a new feature that allows recruiters to build a pipeline of warm leads from professionals who follow their business page. Today, LinkedIn Recruiter has search filters that let recruiters search for qualified prospects based on potential candidates’ profile visits, engagement metrics, and expressed interest in similar roles at other companies. Engagement on LinkedIn has become a powerful tool prospects can use to land a corporate position. This same strategy also works on Instagram, Facebook, or other social platforms for building a personal brand. Engaging on social media is one of the primary goals of creating a brand community, but keep your comments positive or neutral.

If your comment is not inclusive or you’re posting or liking outside your brand personality, think twice. That’s not saying you can’t like puppy videos or feel-good stories. It’s just important to think about substance over quantity when commenting or giving a thumbs up.

2. Use affiliate marketing to build your brand.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make extra money. It can also be used to build brand awareness — whether you’re an affiliate or offer affiliate marketing to others. Affiliate marketing comes in three types: unattached, related, and involved.

Unattached affiliate marketing is exactly as it sounds: You’re unattached to the product or service you’re marketing. This type of affiliate marketing can earn you some extra spending money. Still, it likely won’t attract raving fans for your personal brand.
Related affiliate marketing implies a connection between the affiliate and the product or service. Usually, the products or services are related to your brand or niche. If you’re a podcaster, you might form an affiliate relationship with a microphone brand, or if you’re a life coach or counselor, your e-commerce shop might be filled with self-help books linked to an Amazon affiliate account.
Involved affiliate marketing relationships form based on a deeper connection with the products or services. The affiliate uses this product and makes recommendations based on their personal experience. In exchange for using the product and posting about your experience, you will earn a commission on sales.

When building your brand, you can also offer affiliate programs for your products or services. This can be a great way to sell ebooks — provide a commission for influencers who read and promote your book. This serves two purposes: selling copies of your new ebook and promoting your brand. Influencers charge anywhere from $10 to $10,000 per post or video. If you can entice a nano influencer, someone with 1000 to 10,000 followers, to promote your book or other product and, by extension, your brand through affiliate marketing, it’s a win-win.

3. Choose speaking engagements to reinforce your brand.

As a former career coach, expert TEDx speechwriter, and TEDx stage booker, I can attest that public speaking will change your endgame. My own experience speaking at TEDxBerkeley put me on the map. But you need a plan. You can’t chase every speaking engagement hoping one will “stick” or go viral.

Choose speaking opportunities that align with your brand, content, and your point of view. Here are proven tips based on years of experience on how to use public speaking to reinforce your brand:

Learn who the target audience is before saying, “Yes.” It might be tempting to book every speaking engagement you’re asked to do, but this can be a big mistake. Your time has value … even when you’re just getting started. Find speaking opportunities that align with your brand and target the same people you do. If you don’t know, ask the organizer. Politely decline if it’s not a match. But don’t leave without giving the organizer a summary of who you are, your brand, and what you’re looking for so they can watch for opportunities where you might be the perfect fit.
Identify the thought leaders in your industry. One of the best ways to discover new speaking opportunities is to watch what others are doing and where. The movers in any industry are not taking one-off speaking engagements. They’re asked to speak at high-quality events. Identify who the leaders are in your industry and follow them on social media. Attend events where they’re speaking and introduce yourself. I got my first TEDx talk through a chance meeting with a TEDx speaker. Turn conversations into an opportunity.
Follow your clients. A surefire way to find speaking engagements that target your audience is to learn which events they’re attending. Follow your most loyal clients on social media. Talk with them and ask them which events they like or don’t like. Grab a coffee with your favorite clients and ask if there’s an event they will attend where you would be the perfect speaker. Your clients may be able to make an introduction.

Small- to medium-sized events are a great way to get your feet wet. As a bonus, you get to mingle with potential new clients.

Public speaking is one of the best ways to get your name and brand out there. It builds awareness and boosts your reputation as an expert. Just as with email marketing, landing pages, and social posts, include a call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA doesn’t have to be a bright orange “click here” rectangle on a website. But give attendees a way to find you.

Your online footprint, responses, and affiliations shape your brand identity. That’s why engaging mindfully, choosing your partners carefully, and aligning speaking engagements that foster a robust brand image are important. Remember, your brand isn’t just what you say but also how you say it and where you choose to be heard.

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