4 Ways To Use ChatGPT To Make Money on Twitter

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Many tech and finance experts are talking about ChatGPT and how it is revolutionizing content creation. But can you actually use ChatGPT, or another AI tool, to make money on social media? You can, in fact, and here’s what you need to know about using ChatGPT to make money on Twitter (now X).

Sponsored Tweets

If you have a large enough following, companies will pay you to tweet about their products. To make money in this way, it’s helpful to have not only a large following, but one that is specific to a type of product. For example, if you tweet about parenting young children, you may be able to post sponsored tweets about baby products or toys.

Most companies use an agency to find influencers to post sponsored tweets about their products. The agency gets a cut of the money, but it’s a lot more efficient than trying to find companies on your own. Try SponsoredTweets.com or Collective Voice, or just Google “social media influencer agency.” You can sign up with more than one agency, which will increase your chances of getting selected by a brand to post sponsored tweets.

To use ChatGPT to create your sponsored tweets, the first thing you need to do is to verify that you can do this. There should be a stipulation in the influencer contract that indicates whether the company allows AI-generated content. If it’s not mentioned in the contract, ask. It’s not worth saving a few minutes of time by having AI generate your content if it means you get fired from a lucrative contract.

Once you’ve determined that the brand will accept AI-generated content, all you need to do is write a prompt asking for copy that talks about the product in your voice. You can include word or character counts if that’s a requirement for the sponsored tweet. Check the tweet to make sure that it’s accurate and you like it, and you’re good to go.

Affiliate Marketing

Companies use affiliate marketing to broaden their reach so they can get their message out to more consumers. If you have a lot of followers on Twitter (now X) you can sell other company’s products by promoting them on your feed. For every order the company gets through your tweets, they’ll pay you.

This arrangement requires that you choose a product or products to sell on Twitter, and every time a sale is made through one of your posts, you get a commission. To find products to sell, sign up for an affiliate marketplace like JVZoo or ClickBank. Then you can browse the available products and choose which one(s) you want to promote.

You can then use ChatGPT or another AI tool to create your posts. As with anything that you’re doing with AI, the key is to compose the prompt correctly. You want to be sure that your post sounds natural — like it’s actually coming from you — and that it represents the product accurately. You may have to try a few times to get it right.


Successful bloggers know that it’s all about the volume of content — the more you can post, the more money you can earn. But writing all those posts yourself takes time. You can use ChatGPT to create blog posts much more quickly than you could write them yourself. You can ask ChatGPT to create a blog post and you can even ask for the post to be in your style or voice.

As a hypothetical example: If Chris Smith has a blog called “Cooking with Chris,” Smith could prompt ChatGPT to “write a blog post with instructions on how to bake sugar cookies from scratch in the style of Chris Smith of Cooking with Chris.” Plugins such as VoxScript allow ChatGPT to browse the internet to familiarize the model with Chris’ previous work, or several blogs can be fed to the AI manually to form a basis. Then, all Chris needs to do is verify that the recipe is accurate (trying it would be a good idea) and then post it.


ChatGPT can help with writing e-books as well. When using AI to generate an e-book, it’s best to start with an outline. Determine the number of chapters or sections you want your e-book to have, and what each chapter or section should cover. You can write a detailed prompt for the entire e-book at once or break it up and do one section or chapter at a time. It is likely, due to current constraints, that several pieces will have be done separately and then assembled later down the line.

Be sure to review the copy carefully to make sure it flows properly and isn’t redundant, particularly if you’re using different prompts for each section. Once the copy is generated, you can write another prompt for an introduction and conclusion.

Promoting your e-book on Twitter requires that you have a following, of course, and that you are recognized as an authority in the subject you’re writing about. If that’s the case, you can use ChatGPT to write a post advertising your e-book and start selling!

All of these ways to make money on Twitter with ChatGPT come with the same caveat: any artificial intelligence tool is a data gathering tool. It’s up to you, as the owner of the Twitter account, to ensure that the content you are posting is accurate and doesn’t violate any of Twitter’s rules. Most importantly, it has to be content that you stand behind. Checking the sources is imperative, because you can lose your hard-earned credibility quickly by posting something without verifying the validity of information first.

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