50 February Blog, Video, & Other Content Ideas (+Tips)

After all the hoopla of the holidays, the backside of winter can feel a bit blah. But with the right blog post ideas, videos, and other creative messaging, you can be a ray of sunshine for your customers during these short and dreary days.

And what if your own creativity is a bit chilled? No worries. We’ve curated a colossal collection of content concepts you can use throughout the month. Let’s get cracking!

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Tips for February blog posts

February is a pivotal time when people get back to buying after the post-holiday break. Make the most of the month with these content marketing tips and tactics.

Post early

Make sure your marketing calendar has February blog content early so you can publish it ahead of time.

Why does that matter? Because unlike your February social media posts that surface immediately, blog content can take a little while to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). A February-angled post at the top of the SERPs in March won’t get you many website visitors.

Also, most of your February content will be timely guides about places to go and things to get done this month. Your posts should catch people while they’re planning, before they actually start doing.

🙋 February blog posts will bring new people to your website. Use our free Website Grader to make your site is in tip-top shape.

Remember keywords

There are lots of channels to get your amazing February blog posts and videos out into the world. Since most people still prefer finding answers on search engines, craft your posts to match what people look for there.

The first step of search engine optimization is keyword research. You can go down lots of keyword research rabbit holes but try this first. Enter a word or two into a search and see what the search engine autofills.

Google autofills popular search terms so it’s a great place to start your keyword research.

Another super easy option is to use our free keyword tool. Again, type in something close to what you think people want to learn. You’ll get a list of search phrases, how many people search for them, and how hard it’ll be for you to nab a spot on the search engine results pages (SERP).

High search volume and low competition is the sweet spot for SEO keywords. 

Besides helping with SEO, popular keywords also give you an idea of what people want to know. No sense in talking about replacing real grass with fake lawns if no one is searching for those answers.

Cross-promote your content

Now let’s get the most mileage out of your February content by distributing it in multiple channels.

Email is your owned-channel superstar. Send seasonal content to your subscribers in a themed newsletter to educate and entertain them.

There are tons of themes you can use for a February newsletter. 

What’s amazing about email is the control you have. On social media or search engines, you’re at the mercy of ever-changing algorithms. In email, it’s between you and your subscribers. Just use a great subject line to stand out in their inbox.

Social media’s superpowers are generating new connections and creating opportunities for direct engagement. Create social media posts with links to your blog or video content to get more traffic to it.

You can do that either organically or through a paid ad. And when someone comments on the post, continue the conversation in replies.

Blog post ideas for holidays and days of observance

February is full of happy holidays and meaningful movements. Use these moments to fuel your blog post ideation and connect with your customers.

Black History Month

February is the perfect time to celebrate diversity and inclusion in your community. Instead of being promotional, use some of your blog posts this month to celebrate Black History Month.

One way to join the conversation is to highlight Black-owned companies in your area or industry.

Fashion designer Kendra Scott showcases Black entrepreneurs in a Black History Month blog post.

Here’s a handful of other Black History Month blog post ideas:

Curate a list of ways your customers can celebrate the month like supporting local Black-owned businesses.
Write a post (or series of posts!) about lesser-known heroes of Black history like Bessie Coleman (the first licensed black pilot) or Gwendolyn Brooks (the first Black author to win a Pulitzer Prize).
Share a list of Black authors, books, and movies your audience should experience.

Heart Health Month

It’s probably no coincidence that the heart health movement shares its focal month with Valentine’s Day. You can play a part by spreading awareness of the number one cause of death in the United States.

There are lots of ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, so your February content can include some tips to stay heart-healthy.

Supplement provider Alive! stays on brand by posting about heart-healthy nutrients.

Here are a few other ways to keep the beat in your February blog posts:

Have your staff share their favorite heart-healthy recipes or simply curate a list and link out to existing recipes on the internet.
Direct your readers to local places where they can enjoy nature and get some exercise—both considered great for your heart.
Share resources for people to learn more about heart disease, healthy food, or caring for someone suffering from heart-health complications.

National Cancer Prevention Month

Along the same lines, help expand awareness and knowledge about cancer, prevention, and research.

Try these ideas to spread the word in February:

Interview a doctor for first-hand knowledge about cancer prevention.
Create an infographic (Canva is great for this) that shows the leading causes of cancer or the best superfoods that reduce your chances of getting it.
Curate a list of events that raise funds for cancer research like 5ks or restaurants and stores that donate to the cause.

Feb 1: Change Your Password Day

What’s more annoying than changing and storing passwords? Identify theft. That’s why Change Your Password Day is gaining steam around the world.

While not the spiciest of content, you can have a little fun. Security software maker Kolide turns these topics into cartoons.

Get creative and try unexpected content formats, like this cartoon from Kolide.

No matter how you present it, customers will appreciate you helping them avoid the hassles of getting hacked with these blog post ideas:

A calendar filled with important online security to-dos
A post about how to pick good passwords
A list of tools people can use to create and store passwords safely

Feb 9: National Pizza Day

Let’s lighten the mood a little with a fan-favorite food: Pizza! Oh, you’ll get a huge slice of the attention pie with these blog posts and video ideas:

Start a debate about the best style of pie (New York, Chicago, or Detroit) and which toppings do not belong (we’re looking at you, pineapple).
Create a poll of the best pizzerias in town, then share the results in a video at the winning spot (get permission, of course).
Get creative with some fun recipes so readers can create their perfect pie at home.

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Feb 13: Galentine’s Day

Galentine’s Day traces its roots to the syndicated sitcom Parks and Rec. Lead character Leslie Knope and the girl gang gathered over brunch to celebrate their friendship on Valentine’s Day Eve.

Well, Knope’s trope has taken off around the world and you can score big points with your readers by joining in the fun.

Here’s how stationery supplier Letterfest promotes Galentine’s Day.

These blog post ideas will help your followers celebrate their female friendships:

Put together a step-by-step guide to planning a Galentines Day party, complete with snacks, decorations, and games.
Conjure up a list of the best local brunch locations.
Write the ultimate guide to Galentines Day etiquette and traditions (waffles should be mentioned).

Feb 14: Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day gets the lion’s share of attention this month since people will spend around $26 billion on the holiday. And while much of the focus is on romantic couples, there’s plenty of love for friends, family, and ourselves.

The Steppenwolf Theater spreads the love with a rom-com roundup that pairs perfectly with a loved one or a little self-care on the couch.

A date-night movie list like this one from the Steppenwolf Theater is an easy blog post idea for February.

This heart-shaped box of Valentine’s blog post ideas will surely have your customers saying “be mine:”

Get creative with some non-traditional Valentine’s dates like a blanket-fort movie night (awww!) or a dessert baking contest (yum!).
Scope out the most romantic spots in your town and let people know the best way to enjoy them.
Create a classic gift guide but include categories for couples, friends, and people who want to treat themselves.
Make a cocktail or mocktail list with recipes and a history of the classics (e.g., The daiquiri was invented in Cuba when Jennings Cox ran out of gin).
Give readers a list of romantic quotes and caption ideas for Valentine’s Day cards.
Write some anti-Valentine’s Day party ideas for those who don’t love the holiday.

Feb 17: National Love Your Pets Day

Let’s talk about content you can use to celebrate our feathered, finned, and furry friends. The great thing about this theme is that it’s pretty much universal since 66% of households have at least one pet.

So, who’s the best girl or boy? You when you use these pet-post ideas to fill out your February content calendar:

Get a ton of engagement and some useful user-generated content by asking customers to share a quick video or pic of their pets and post them in a blog or vlog.
Partner with a local veterinarian for a post about keeping pets healthy at different stages of life.
Create a guide to the best toys, clothes, and pet accessories, bonus points for adding lots of pet puns like “pawsitively a-bork-able.”

Feb 17: National Random Acts of Kindness Day

Alright, the final stop on our love train of February holiday content is National Acts of Kindness Day.

Science says people are more likely to be kind when they see others being kind. So, these blog post ideas will help kick off a snowball of good deeds while building a little goodwill with your customers:

Collect news stories from the past year of strangers helping strangers and publish a post about them.
Give your readers ideas they can use to pay kindness forward.
Challenge people to commit three random acts of kindness, share their stories, and enter them to win a prize (or better yet, a donation in their name).

Non-holiday blog post and content ideas

There are lots of non-holiday marketing ideas for February. Let’s look at a few that’ll make great blog posts or videos.

Winter-themed blog and vlog posts

February is a transitional time for many areas. Yes, it’s still full-on winter, but there are also some sparks of spring dreaming.

With that in mind, many people will be thinking about how to prep the inside and outside of their house for the warmer days to come. Write up some helpful pre-spring cleaning guides or yard maintenance tips to catch them while they’re planning.

A seasonal home or lawn care guide like this one from Lawn Love is the perfect topical blog post idea for February.

And want to see something really cool? Lawn Love got a Google Sitelink (the extra links below the main result on a Google page) directly to this content. Sitelinks give you extra real estate on SERPs and can boost your click-through rate by 20%.

You can’t tell Google to give you Sitelinks, but seasonal content like February blog posts help your case.

Now, let’s run through more February blog post ideas that’ll capture attention this month:

There’s lots to winterize on a house, so a blog post about safeguarding your home for the coldest days would be well received.
Gather up your coziest soup, stew, and comfort-food recipes.
Short days make for stir-crazy kiddos—give your readers some kid-friendly activities to burn that mid-winter excess energy.
A winter product showcase will hit the spot, as would a list of newly launched springtime goods with a discount for early orders.

Award season content ideas

Award season is that time of year when most of the major film, music, stage, and show awards ceremonies take over the talk of Broadway and Tinseltown. The Grammy Awards are this month, and the Oscars are in early March, so February falls smack-dab at the height of the hype.

Here’s a creative way to punch up your award-season content. Make a printable bingo card people can take to their watch parties.

Think outside the blog post with creative content like this Oscar bingo card from Punchbowl.

Here are several more award-season content ideas that’ll get you nominated in the category of best blog:

Publish a list of the nominees for each major award with a little blurb about each movie or song.
Write a how-to guide for watch parties with ideas for dress-up themes and movie-themed menus (Despicable Me-so soup, anyone?).
Give your award predictions for each event or a recap after.

Super Bowl video and blog content

The Super Bowl generates a lot of internet hype. Heck, the hashtag #superbowlLVII corralled over 225 million views on TikTok alone.

A perennial football fan favorite is pregame flicks of pets picking the big game’s winner. Not only is it fun, but it’s low-budget video content you can capture on a smartphone.

Use YouTube Shorts like this one to cross-promote your February content.

Score big with these other Super Bowl blog post ideas:

Write the playbook for the perfect Super Bowl party.
Find 10 of the best locations to watch the game.
Post a review of Super Bowl commercials with links to them on YouTube.
Get your staff’s favorite game-time snack recipes and publish a quickie cookbook.

Inspirational content

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is no joking matter. Use some of your February blog posts to help readers beat the winter blues.

Gather up some articles on SAD and publish a curated reading list.
Similarly, find a list of feel-good stories that remind your readers of brighter days.
Write a travel article with a theme like “10 Day trips from X city” or “5 Sunny beaches you visit for cheap.”
Highlight several of your customers, what they’re working on, and the effect it has in your community or industry.

Get cracking on your February blog post ideas

There’s a lot of love packed in this short month, so get started on your creative content for February. Don’t worry if you’re new to writing blog posts, just be authentic and helpful. The rest will come with time. And once you see all the new customers your February content attracts, you’ll be ready for a whole new list of great blog post ideas.

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