Is OptinMonster Worth It? (An Extensive Review for 2024)

Is OptinMonster worth it? Well, it depends.

If you’re an online business owner who wants more traffic, conversions, and sales…

If you have a great service or product to offer but aren’t a professional developer or designer…

And if you want a reliable, easy-to-use solution that just works every time…

You can benefit from using OptinMonster.

But we know you probably have more specific questions. That’s why we wrote this extensive OptinMonster review to help you decide for yourself. Feel free to jump to what you’d like to learn about first:

What Is OptinMonster?
Do I Need OptinMonster?
What Are The Top 5 Benefits of Using OptinMonster?
OptinMonster Pricing
Is OptinMonster Worth the Price?

By the end of this post, we’ll help you figure out if it lives up to the hype and is worth the price.

What Is OptinMonster?

OptinMonster is the world’s best lead generation software and WordPress plugin on the market. It enhances every part of your marketing strategy from getting more subscribers, growing leads, and increasing your revenue.

And with regards to the amount of targeting and triggers our campaigns offer, there’s simply no other platform that compares.

OptinMonster launched back in 2013 with a simple goal: to level the playing field by giving small and medium-sized companies resources that can compete with the big guys.

As a result, we’ve served over 1 million websites ranging from solo entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies.

Some of our most well-known clients have included:

American Express

Among others.

But due to our low costs, we make sure that small businesses and eCommerce stores can have access to all the features they need to thrive in their niche.

We do that by making sure our setup is accessible to everyone. Our clients build and customize their campaigns with no coding skills required. That includes adding lead magnets like discounts, coupons, eBooks, and more.

Then they set display rules and triggers to make sure these campaigns are seen by the right people and at the right time.

Our detailed analytics allow users to monitor their campaigns’ success and make adjustments as needed.

Finally, we integrate seamlessly with email service providers to automate your entire email marketing system. These would be ESPs you’re familiar with, like Constant Contact, Brevo, Mailchimp, and many others.

That way, when you get a new signup, that lead will go directly to the mailing list and automated sequences in your ESP.

And if you don’t see the email marketing services you use, you can integrate them using OptinMonster’s webhooks.

Plus, it comes as a convenient WordPress plugin. That means you’ll get access to all of OptinMonster’s features, tools, and campaigns directly from your WordPress dashboard.

As you’ll see, OptinMonster is hands down your best bet if you want to grow your email list, drive more conversions, and make more sales.

Before we can really answer the question, “Is OptinMonster worth it?” we have to ask another even more important question: “Do I need OptinMonster?”

Do I Need OptinMonster?

You definitely need a lead generation tool like OptinMonster if at least 2 of the following statements are true:

Getting more pageviews and subscribers would grow your affiliate, product, or ad income. (Bloggers and publishers, we’re looking at you!)
Converting more abandoned carts would increase your revenue. (This is you, eCommerce folks!)
Email marketing is a main source of leads and revenue for your business.
Your marketing and sales funnels work fine but could be better.
You want to create a great user experience for your site visitors.
You need to save time and energy in your marketing and stop guessing about what’s working and what to do next.

If this sounds like you, then you need to try OptinMonster!

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)
Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

Still on the fence? Let’s take a look at a few benefits of OptinMonster that make it stand out from the competition.

OptinMonster Review: The Top 5 Benefits

Since there are so many awesome features of OptinMonster, it’s easiest to break things down into the top 5 benefits of using our software.

OptinMonster gives you:

Multiple campaign options
Easy campaign customization
Precise targeting and trigger settings
Detailed analytic reports
Proven results

We’ll start by going over our campaign types.

1. OptinMonster Offers the Most Campaign Types

OptinMonster lets you build 9 types of campaigns:

Lightbox Popup
Fullscreen Welcome Mat
Slide-in Scroll Box
Floating Bar
Countdown Timers
Sidebar Forms
Inline Forms
Content Lockers
Coupon Wheel Optins

Each of these campaign types is designed to increase your conversion rates. In a few moments, we’ll talk about the effectiveness of these campaigns in more detail.

For now, it’s important to understand the variety of campaigns we offer. Many of our competitors are limited to 5 or 6 campaigns, which means you need supplemental software to create the others.

For example, a lot of software that gives you a general popup campaign won’t include a Content Locker or Inline Form.

That’s problematic for many small businesses who need all the help they can get converting general traffic into email subscribers.

Like how Whole Whale was able to use a Content Locker campaign to double their email sign-ups and increase conversions by 62%. Here’s a glimpse of how they obfuscated their locked content to increase email subscribers:

The point is that when it comes to the variety of campaigns you can build, OptinMonster provides the most options.

But none of that matters unless it’s easy to create and customize the campaigns themselves. Fortunately, with OptinMonster, this couldn’t be more simple.

2. OptinMonster Makes Campaigns Easy to Customize

As we said earlier, it’s been our goal at OptinMonster to make our tools accessible to marketers or business owners in small and medium-sized companies.

Reaching that goal meant creating a campaign editor that didn’t require our clients to have a team of developers.

What we ended up with went a step further regarding ease of use.

Because with our drag and drop builder, you don’t need a team of developers. In fact, you don’t need any coding skills or knowledge at all!

We made sure that our campaigns could be tailored to fit with any brand and any voice in a matter of minutes.

We did that by creating over 50 pre-built templates that our users can pull from to match different marketing goals:

These templates can be filtered in a variety of ways including by Device:

By Goals:

Or by Category:

But if you do want a campaign that’s 100% original to your business, we give you that option too. With our Canvas template, you can build any kind of campaign from scratch, so it’s fine-tuned to your needs:

From there, you can change every aspect of your campaign by dragging and dropping new elements into place:

The elements you can add to your campaigns include:

Custom HTML
Countdown timers
Optin fields
Yes/No options

And more.

Plus, you can click on any part of your campaign to pull up the editing tools on the left-hand side:

You can edit a campaign’s:

Background colors

And any other aspect of your design that you want to be personalized to your brand.

In other words, if you have an idea for an optin campaign, OptinMonster lets you build it quickly, easily, and exactly aligned with your vision.

And if you DO have more technical skills, OptinMonster allows you to use custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This gives you 100% control over the look and functionality of your campaigns at all times.

It also lets you sync your campaigns to other marketing tools for better tracking, such as integrating a campaign with Google Analytics to track unique conversion goals.

Check out this helpful resource to learn how to create a campaign with OptinMonster.

Now let’s turn our attention to OptinMonster’s targeting options.

3. OptinMonster Offers Precise Targeting Settings

The only way to get the most out of your new campaigns is if you show them to the right people at the right time. So if you want to know “is OptinMonster worth it,” then targeting is definitely a factor.

More than any other software on the market, OptinMonster allows you to target and segment your audience.

This is the key to getting more conversions.

We accomplish this in 2 ways:

Targeting conditions

Let’s start by looking at our targeting settings.

OptinMonster Campaign Targeting

When traffic comes to your website, they’re likely to land on different pages and at different times of the year. Plus, each visitor on your site is unique and will respond differently to certain messages.

To get the best conversion rates, you need to adapt your optimization strategy to personalize the user experience. And you do that through creating targeted campaigns.

At OptinMonster, we give you the ability to use the following targeting rules:

Page-Level Targeting
Referrer Detection
OnSite Follow-up Campaigns®
OnSite Retargeting®
Geo-Location Targeting
Cookie Retargeting
Device-Based Targeting
AdBlock Detection

Each of these targeting rules lets you display your campaigns at just the right moment in your customers’ journey.

As a result, you’ll see conversion rates soar.

You can show campaigns to match content on specific pages of your site. Or show regional campaigns to attract local customers for in-store products.

You can target traffic based on whether they’re browsing your site via desktop, tablet, or mobile. Or you can customize your campaigns while taking into account which 3rd party site your user is coming from.

But one of the most powerful targeting rules that we have is AdBlock Detection. That’s because over 616 million devices use AdBlock or similar software to prevent your campaigns from appearing.

So we created, tested, and perfected a solution.

By creating a campaign that politely asks users to turn off their adblock software, around 77% of people disabled it and allowed optin campaigns to appear.

This targeting feature alone can do wonders for your conversion rates by showing campaigns that would have otherwise been blocked.

Plus, we’re one of the only companies on the market that offer this level of targeting service.

And even though we’ve only scratched the surface of how you can target campaigns to specific users, let’s switch gears and look at a few of our campaign triggers.

OptinMonster Campaign Triggers

At OptinMonster, we help our clients trigger their campaigns based on user behavior. This allows you to personalize your customers’ experience and show them your optin forms when (and where) they’ll be most persuasive.

Our triggers include:

Exit-Intent® Technology (for both desktop and mobile)
Scroll Triggers
Shareable MonsterLinks
Inactivity Sensor
Time Display Control
Campaign Scheduling

These triggers take into account your users’ behavior. They show certain campaigns based on your traffic’s interaction with your site.

Our exit-intent popups, for example, appear as users are actively leaving your website. This is crucial technology for your site conversions because over 70% of people who have chosen to leave your site never come back.

But you can engage potential leads at this moment in their customer journey. In other words, exit-intent campaigns let you turn exiting users into lifelong customers.

All of our triggers let your users’ behavior determine when they’ll see a campaign. If they show particular interest in a page by scrolling down a certain percentage, you can give them a special offer related to the content.

Or if they click one of our MonsterLinks in your emails or site content, they’ll be taken directly to one of your enticing campaigns.

Finally, there are custom targeting rules for eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce.

These targets and triggers let you INSTANTLY boost sales from your online store.

After you define the display rules for your campaign, you can also apply MonsterEffects to it. These are animation effects that are applied to the popup, slide-in, or other campaign types when they are displayed.

When you use OptinMonster, you have an endless combination of targeting and trigger options to choose from. This can help you:

Grow your mailing list
Reduce cart abandonment
Boost engagement on social media
Increase webinar registrations
Redirect traffic to boost SEO
And much more…

Plus, the best part is that we give you the ability to track it all. Which leads us to the next benefit of working with OptinMonster.

4. OptinMonster Gives You Detailed Analytics Reports

There’s only one way to make sure you’re getting the highest conversion rates: tracking the results.

OptinMonster makes this easy. In your dashboard, you immediately see 4 metrics for each of your campaigns:

Visitors: how many people have seen that campaign
Conversions: how many people have converted that campaign (such as subscribing or clicking)
Conversion rate percentage
Revenue attribution: how much revenue that campaign brought in directly or as part of a group of campaigns the customer converted before buying

You can also click on a campaign’s analytics icon to get even more information about its performance.

This pulls up a detailed account of how visitors are interacting within the period of time you want to know about.

But what do you do if a campaign isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped? With OptinMonster, we help you A/B split test your campaigns so you can make better, data-driven decisions moving forward.

With just a click, you can create an A/B test of any campaign you think could be doing better:

Then you can change any element of the campaign like a header or image, and let the test run for as long as you like.

When the results are in, you’ll know which campaign is getting you more leads. With that knowledge, you can optimize your conversion rates.

And this is just one of the many reasons OptinMonster has gotten massive results for our clients.

5. OptinMonster Is Proven to Get Results

So far, we’ve covered many of the great features OptinMonster has to offer. But the real question that users want to know is, “Do they get results?”

We already mentioned that OptinMonster is used on over 1,000,000 websites, but here are a few specific examples of the kinds of success our customers have found with us:

MedStar increased conversion by over 500%
American Bird Conservancy increased lead collection by over 1000%
Blogger Adam Enfroy added over 11,000 subscribers in 2019 (and currently uses that list to generate over $30,000 a month in sales)
Cosmetic Packaging Now grew their email list by over 750% with 2-step optins
Singularity University generated 967 new leads from just 1 optin campaign

Read more about these and similar success stories on our case studies page.

But these represent our best clients, right? What do every day, regular users think about OptinMonster?

We checked some online review sites around the web and thought we’d share what people are saying about us.

Here’s a response found in the comments section of a blog that reviewed our software:

Here’s a user review from Capterra:

And another customer from Capterra had this to say about OptinMonster:

Finally, here are a couple of short headlines from G2 Reviews:

And the list goes on.

The fact is that our clients love us not only because our email optin campaigns are easy to design and have precise trigger settings.

They also love us because our software gets real results that help their business grow.

So we know that it’s effective but, again, the question “is OptinMonster worth it” really translates to “is OptinMonster worth the cost?”

To answer that question, we need to look at OptinMonster’s pricing.

OptinMonster Pricing

Our pricing model is flexible to meet a wide variety of needs. We never want to charge people for features they won’t use or get customers locked into plans that don’t scale.

Here’s a brief overview of our plans and pricing (billed annually):

Basic Plan: $16 per month
Plus Plan: $32 per month
Pro Plan: $49 per month
Growth Plan: $82 per month

Note: The image above reflects a promotion being run at the time this post was published. Head over to our pricing page to see if those prices are still available!

Some of our customers ask why we don’t do a 1-time fee like many of our competitors? Thrive Leads, for example, charges $67 to use on 1 website for life.

At first, that sounds pretty good. But this pricing model makes a dangerous assumption that your business won’t scale.

Because as your company grows, you’ll need new features to meet the new demand. So lifetime pricing models like ThriveLeads mean 1 of 2 things:

Either you’ll begin paying for services and features you don’t need yet
Or, more likely, the services and features you need as your company grows don’t exist

Our goal is to help your company grow with a pricing model that fits your needs at each unique stage.

So small businesses just getting started can use our Basic plan for $14 a month. When that business begins to expand, they can upgrade to plans with more sophisticated features.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)
Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

OptinMonster FAQs

Is there an OptinMonster WordPress plugin?

Yes! The OptinMonster plugin lets you manage and create your campaigns from within your WordPress dashboard. You can also target specific WordPress post categories and tags using the plugin. There is also a Shopify app, and OptinMonster works on any other website platform.

Does OptinMonster have a free plan?

You can try OptinMonster risk-free for 14 days and get a full refund, no questions asked, if you aren’t satisfied.

Are there OptinMonster coupons?

There are promotions frequently throughout the year, from Valentine’s Day to Black Friday deals. Check the pricing page for current deals.

With that in mind, let’s get to the heart of why you’re reading this post.

Is OptinMonster Worth It?

So the question remains: Is OptinMonster worth the price?

In short, yes.

Just for a minute, let’s put aside the fact that OptinMonster has more campaign types than our competitors, easier campaign customization, more precise targeting rules, and detailed analytics reports for our customers.

For roughly the same price as your Netflix subscription, you can get started getting more email subscribers, building higher-quality leads, and increasing your sales immediately.

In fact, we’re so confident about this that we offer all of our users a 14-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Sign up with OptinMonster to get started today!

We hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, you might also be interested in the following resources or tutorials:

Email Marketing for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Run a Successful Email Marketing Campaign 
17 Tips for Writing Email Copy That Converts
9 Best Lead Generation Plugins for WordPress (Compared)

These articles will have everything you need to refine your email marketing strategy and drive more conversions/sales for your online store.

The post Is OptinMonster Worth It? (An Extensive Review for 2024) appeared first on OptinMonster.

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