How to Use X for Lead Generation: 19 Ideas That You Can Try Today

Do you have a business page on Twitter that’s lying dormant? Do you want to learn how to use Twitter for lead generation?

A lot of businesses waste the potential of their Twitter accounts by not using the social media platform to its fullest.

In this post, I’ll share insights on how to generate leads on X (formerly Twitter) and why it’s a great platform for business.

Why Should You Use X for Lead Generation?

Is Twitter still relevant after it turned into It’s a question many businesses ask themselves, especially with the recent change in management and decline in revenue.

X currently has about 421 million monthly active users (MAUs). It’s an uptick from previous years (362 million in 2021 and 401 million in 2022) before Elon Musk took over the social network.

Under the new management, the platform also rebranded its name and logo. Now Twitter is officially known as X.

A lot of businesses across the world use X to generate revenue and deliver real-time customer service. You, too, can still use X to grow your social presence and increase sales. According to X’s own statistics, its users are:

36% more likely to be the first to try new things.
2X more likely to have made an in-app purchase.
38% more likely to have downloaded an app directly from an ad online.

The social media platform earned $2.5 billion in ad revenue and has 528.3 million monetizable MAUs.

From the marketing point of view, here’s how X fares for businesses:

67% of B2B marketers use as a digital marketing tool.
79% of marketers use X Spaces to amplify their brand messaging.
15% of online users aged 16-64 use X for brand research.
X ads can reach over 544 million users globally.

X’s ad revenue has taken a bit of a dip since 2022, but its CEO Linda Yaccarino has said that the platform will be profitable starting early 2024.

All these stats suggest that X offers amazing potential to help you find leads for your business. Next, I’ll share 19 ideas that you can apply to generate leads on Twitter.

Let’s get started.

19 Tips to Use X for Lead Generation

Optimize Your X Bio for Lead Generation
Add Copy to the Header Image
Write Engaging Posts
Know Who You’re Talking To
Segment Your Prospects with Lists
Create Multiple X Accounts
Optimize Your Posting Schedule
Grow Your X Followers
Use Hashtags Wisely
Monitor Mentions and Conversations
Pin Your Best Posts for Higher Visibility
Partner With X Influencers to Get Faster Results
Offer a Lead Magnet with MonsterLinksTM
Offer Delightful Customer Service
Leverage X Ads for Paid Promotions
Run Giveaway Contests
Use Live Video to Your Advantage
Use X’s Advanced Search to Find Leads
Host or Participate in Twitter Chats

1. Optimize Your X Bio for Lead Generation

If you want to leverage X for lead generation, optimizing your bio is the first place to start, as it is often the first thing that people see. Even though X allows only 160 characters to write a bio, it can make a big impact on your following.

Most businesses include a plain-vanilla description of who they are and what they do, but that information doesn’t have to be boring. Your bio can help you find leads on Twitter if you include the following details:

Links to your best or latest content.
A link to download lead magnet content.
A compelling call to action (CTA) linking to your homepage or email newsletter.
Relevant hashtags related to your brand, product, or niche to showcase what your profile is about.
Other X accounts that you manage under the same brand.

Here are a few X bio examples:

NFL uses its bio to link to the latest Super Bowl champions and the most trending hashtag:

Hypefury uses the bio space to link to its email newsletter:

OptinMonster’s co-founder Syed Balkhi links to X handles of other products he heads:

As a search engine optimization (SEO) best practice, you can also include relevant keywords in the bio to drive the right traffic to your X account. Or, you can add info about awards or other social proof to build credibility.

2. Add Copy to the Header Image

When people visit your X profile, one of the first things that draws their attention is the huge header image at the top. It’s a great place to add details you can’t fit in the bio.

For example, you can showcase an upcoming product launch or event like Marvel does with their upcoming movie:

Or, you can add your business’s slogan or tagline like Gong:

And, of course, you can showcase one of your best posts with a creative CTA like how Jonathan Miz does:

Pro-tip: If you’re including a link in the header image, keep it short and memorable. Links on header images aren’t clickable and must be typed manually. You can use a free URL shortener to help you with this.

3. Write Engaging Posts

No other advice beats the need to create high-quality posts on X. In fact, all other tips in this list map back to this advice.

Posts on X take several forms: written posts, images, links, memes, and videos. But some post formats get more attention than others.

One way to eliminate the guesswork in writing great posts is to test them before publishing. CoSchedule has a great free tool (requires opt-in) to help with that: the Social Message Optimizer. Here’s how to use it.

Step 1: Put your post into the onscreen box, and click on Score My Message.

You’ll see an overview score, plus a breakdown into 5 sections: message type, character count, hashtags, sentiment, and emoji. My draft post scored 65, so I tried to improve it.

Step 2: Scroll further down the page to find the Results section. It offers specific recommendations and analyzes the sentiment of your post.

Step 3: Once you follow the recommendations and add the missing details to your post, you’ll see your score go up. This ensures that you are optimizing your posts for better audience engagement.

Bonus: CoSchedule will also show you the best day and time to publish or schedule the post.

Pro-tip: It’s important to get the mix of your posts right. If all your posts are promotional, you’ll turn off your audience and hurt your Twitter lead gen strategy. For best results, achieve a balance of:

60% originally created content: Content that you have created on your own, like links to blog posts, webinars, or product launch announcements.
40% curated content: Content that you have gathered from other sources, such as links to industry news, reports, statistics, or trends.

Promotional posts fall in the 60% category. Schedule them occasionally in between other non-promotional posts.

4. Know Who You’re Talking To

It’s important to understand your audience on X to use it for lead generation. When you have buyer personas and know who your audience is, you’ll be able to market to them more effectively.

X Analytics makes it easy for you to understand your audience and their preferences.

To view the performance of your posts on X, visit the X Analytics page. For individual post analytics, you can click on the 3 dots icon on the far-right of a post and click on View post analytics.

You can also click on the analytics icon at the bottom of the post to access insights about an individual post.

When you visit X Analytics, you’ll see a summary of activity on your account for the current month. You can scroll down the page to find data for previous months.

X Analytics offers you insights about:

Top-performing monthly posts.
Post metrics (# of views, reposts, likes, and replies).
Campaign analytics to measure paid ads performance.
Conversion tracking to measure return on ad spend.

The X Analytics for Business comes with even more advanced features to help you measure your ads and understand your audience better. To access ads-related analytics, you’ll have to pay X to run ads first.

You can also use a 3rd-party tool like Keyhole to get historical data about your X posts without the need to subscribe monthly. For a flat fee, Keyhole gives you a historical report about X trends, hashtags, keywords, and mentions without any manual research.

Feeling your audience’s pulse is a top priority for lead generation since that determines your marketing strategy on X or other channels.

5. Segment Your Prospects with Lists

The sheer volume of posts on X makes it difficult to have personal interaction with prospects you follow. Most of their posts will vanish before you have a chance to see them, unless they mention you specifically and you’re monitoring those mentions.

That’s where X Lists come in. Creating lists on X lets you customize, organize, and prioritize the posts you want to see on your feed. You can also join public lists others have created.

With X Lists, you can segment accounts you follow on X into smaller groups, so you can keep up with their latest posts and interact with them. This is a great way to build 1:1 relationships with targeted groups of potential customers.

X users can create lists based on:

Niches like content marketing, social media marketing, or sales.
Lists other users have created.
X recommendations that appear under the Discover new Lists.

You can also pin your favorite Lists to the top of your feed so that you can see posts from the accounts you have added to that list.

Here’s how to create X Lists (on the web app).

Step 1: Click on Lists from the main menu.

Step 2: At the very top, you’ll see a search bar (to look up existing lists) and an add icon next to it. Click on the add icon to create a new list.

Step 3: Give the list a name, description, and choose the privacy settings. Public lists are visible on your profile, and others can add them too. Private lists let you add people to a list without anyone else being aware.

Click on Next when you’re ready.

Step 4: Here, X will recommend handles you can add to your lists. You can also search for people to add.

Step 5: Back in the main Lists page, you’ll find your pinned lists, lists that X recommends you to join, and your existing lists.

X allows you to have up to 1,000 lists with 5,000 members each. It’s pretty noisy to keep up with that many members. I recommend using smaller lists to get the most out of this strategy.

Here’s another lead generation tip with this X feature: Create public lists with useful resources on certain topics. This allows users to subscribe to them and improve your brand visibility to new prospects.

Related Content: How to Make Money on Twitter: 9 Twitter Monetization Tips

6. Create Multiple X Accounts

If you are using the same account for your business presence on X, you might want to consider creating multiple accounts.

Many small business owners post about their brands from their personal accounts. This isn’t necessarily bad, but you’ll see better results if you promote your brand from its own handle.

Think of this as having more marketing channels to advertise your brand instead of just one.

For instance, if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, it makes sense to have a presence on X both as yourself and for your business. Every time you publish something from the brand handle, you can like the post or repost it to improve the visibility for both.

Over time, the engagement that you earn for one handle will spill over to the second handle.

Alternatively, if you run a fast-growing business with diverse functions, you can create separate accounts for different parts of your business. This is a technique many businesses use.

Here’s one such example from Xfinity. The company has various X handles dedicated to customer support, upcoming events, sports, and more:

Notice how some accounts link to each other to help guide X users to the right handle. It also improves Xfinity’s brand visibility across the board.

With a separate account for each business function, you can drive the right audience traffic to the right brand handle while improving your brand’s reach on X.

7. Optimize Your Posting Schedule

A key part of nailing lead generation on X is making sure that your target audience sees your posts. That means you need to post when they’re online and most likely to take action.

A good starting point is to follow experts’ advice on the best times to post on

HubSpot suggests that Fridays and Wednesdays are the best days to attract customers on X. The worst time to post is early mornings between 6-9 am, every day.

After you’ve had a social presence on X for a while, you can switch to using real data from your audience analytics.

Once again, X Analytics can help you with this. You can use the insights gained from the analytics dashboard to measure when people are responding to your posts, what’s working, and what’s not.

The data will let you schedule your future campaigns at the right time and get better results.

To maximize your posts’ reach on X, I recommend using a tool like Hypefury. The social media scheduling and automation tool offers a wide variety of features that can amplify your presence on X:

Viral thread hooks to save you time
Access to multiple Tweet templates
Unlimited scheduling of posts
Post statistics and analytics
Automated DM campaigns
Cross-posting to Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn

One of my favorite features in Hypefury is that you can automate the reposting of your best posts on X. The average lifespan of a post in X is about 15 minutes, a narrow window for you to drive engagement even with a great piece of content.

With Hypefury, you can handpick posts that you want to highlight and recycle them to reach more people. With this feature, you can schedule the same post multiple times in a week. Over time, it will help you identify the best time to post on X and improve your engagement rate.

If you are not sure which content to choose for reposting, you can let Hypefury decide for you. Another advantage of this feature: you don’t have to worry about not having enough content to post.

8. Grow Your X Followers

It’s important to increase your follower numbers on X if you want to generate leads from the social media site. The more people follow you on X and engage with your content, the higher your chances of converting them into leads.

One of the best places to ask people to follow you is on your own website since your visitors are already engaging with your business.

To capitalize on their interest, you can embed your X feed on your site using a plugin like Smash Balloon.

Smash Balloon’s Custom Twitter Feeds Pro makes it easy for you to embed your X feed anywhere on your site. Simply install the plugin, connect your X account, and you’ll have a beautiful X feed on your site in less than 30 seconds.

Smash Balloon makes it easy for your site visitors to check out your content on X. You can also embed a ‘follow’ button next to the feed so that people can follow you on X without leaving your site.

If you want to run a marketing campaign to grow your social media following on X, you can use OptinMonster.

OptinMonster is the #1 lead generation software that helps you convert your website traffic into customers. OptinMonster lets you design high-performing marketing campaigns without writing a single line of code.

With OptinMonster, you can create a ‘Follow Us On Twitter’ popup to get people on your site to follow you on X. Here’s how our popup looks like on the OptinMonster website:

OptinMonster’s advanced targeting features allow you to create popups that don’t annoy your visitors.

You can use OptinMonster to show the ‘Follow Us On Twitter’ popup to visitors at exactly the right time. For example, you can use its targeting rules to:

Configure the popup to show 30 seconds after visitors land on your site.
Delay the popup to show only after visitors have visited 2 or more web pages.
Display the popup only to people who come from X (which means they already are X users).
Trigger an Exit-Intent® popup to show only when visitors are about to abandon your site.

9. Use Hashtags Wisely

According to Statista, people post about 360,000 tweets every minute. That’s a lot of social media posts to cut through in order to stand out on X.

Besides creating high-quality content that invites engagement, using the right hashtags is a great way to help your audience discover your brand on X.

The social networking site offers the following suggestions to make the most of hashtags on X:

For hashtags to work properly, don’t add spaces or punctuation marks in them.
While you can use as many hashtags as you like, it’s optimal to use an average of 2 per post.
You don’t have to add hashtags separately after a post. Include them anywhere in a post, but make sure they feel natural to read.

Here’s an example from one of OptinMonster’s posts on X:

Notice the simple formatting of the post’s copy, the eyes emoji, and the image that summarizes the blog that we are promoting.

This use of visual storytelling ensures that the post grabs people’s attention even if they are skimming through their feed.

If you are wondering how to find the most popular hashtags in your niche, has you covered. The website tracks and analyzes hashtag performance across several industries.

You can use to:

Find out which hashtags are trending or popular.
Discover the meaning of specific hashtags (so that you can use the right ones).
Create and define your own branded hashtags for Twitter chats. is a paid service, and its pricing starts from $49 a month. For researching hashtags for free, you can use websites such as Hashtagify or onemilliontweetmap.

This research is crucial if you want to avoid the embarrassment of brand hashtag fails, which can sabotage your Twitter lead-gen efforts.

10. Monitor Mentions and Conversations

Monitoring conversations on X allows you to know what customers feel about your brand. It lets you quickly react to posts from followers and improve your customer service.

X offers a native functionality to view posts that mention your brand handle. But it’s a basic feature that doesn’t allow much beyond untagging yourself or leaving the conversations that mention you.

To use X’s Mentions feature, click on Notifications and go to the Mentions tab.

To keep up with conversations about your brand, you can use social listening tools like Mention or Brand24. Both tools offer free trials for you to decide which one is best for you.

11. Pin Your Best Posts for Higher Visibility

Here’s a simple tip for getting more visibility and generating leads on X: pin a post to your profile.

Pinned posts sit at the top of your profile, so they’re one of the first things people notice when they visit your handle on X.

To find leads on Twitter, I recommend pinning a post that links to a landing page with a lead magnet optin form or to a gated piece of content.

This way, you can offer valuable content to your target audience in exchange for their email address and nurture them into leads.

You can pin a single post at a time. Here’s how you do it.

After you log in to X, click on your profile picture and go to the Posts tab. This will bring up all your posts in chronological order.

Go to the post you want to pin and click on the 3 dots menu on the right. This will show a dropdown menu.

Click on the Pin to your profile link.

You’ll get a confirmation message about whether you want to highlight the post or pin it. Select Pin.

Once done, the pinned post will appear at the top of your profile.

You can unpin a post at any time by clicking the 3 dots menu on the right.

12. Partner With Influencers to Get Faster Results

Partnering with social media influencers on X can be a great way to expand your reach and generate more leads.

Studies show that 69% of online buyers trust products that influencers recommend. And increasing even 1% of your marketing budget for influencer marketing can drive more engagement.

Selecta Cornetto, an ice cream brand from the Philippines, sponsored influencers on X to launch their new ice cream flavor. The influencers co-created campaigns and helped the brand achieve:

26% higher CTR.
+88% more engagement rate.
2.7X increase in share-of-voice.

But how do you find influencers on X? You can use platforms like Klear or HypeAuditor. These platforms make it much easier to find and manage influencers in contrast to doing it on your own.

Klear offers the following free tools to help you with influencer marketing:

Find influencers
Analytics on influencers
Influencer pricing calculator
Find influencers by location

For one of its paid plans, Klear offers an advanced set of features such as:

Campaign tracking and reporting.
Influencer and campaign management.
Integration with email marketing and eCommerce platforms.
Access to unlimited influencer discovery across their 30 million+ database.

HypeAuditor lets you check on an influencer for free, but charges for all other solutions it offers.

HypeAuditor has a free trial for you to test the platform before you buy their plans.

13. Offer a Lead Magnet with MonsterLinksTM

Businesses often promote lead magnets on their websites to grow email lists.You can apply the same formula to drive leads on X by offering your followers a lead magnet.

It can be an ebook, a template, infographic, or other downloadable that you link to in your bio or pin on your profile. This provides value for your followers in exchange for their email addresses.

One way to promote your lead magnet in your X account is by using MonsterLinks. MonsterLinks allows you to share one OptinMonster campaign in multiple places by creating a link that triggers an optin campaign.

This means you don’t have to create a separate campaign for your X audience. If there’s an OptinMonster campaign that’s already bringing results, you can use MonsterLinksTM to run the same campaign on X to drive more leads.

For instance, you can post a link to an ebook for people to download without having to leave X.

To share an existing campaign with MonsterLinksTM on X, you’ll first need to create a campaign on OptinMonster offering lead magnet content.

Then go to the Publish tab, scroll down to the Platform section, and click on the Share Link button.

Copy the link, and add it to your X bio (or a post you want to pin). And that’s it!

Curious to know how effective MonsterLinksTM is?

CodeInWP used it to improve its conversions by over 1,000%.
Sportique, an eCommerce brand, converted 58% of traffic using a campaign link shared via MonsterLinksTM.

14. Offer Delightful Customer Service

Traditional wisdom says that lead generation and customer service are 2 different things. But if you look at them closely, you’ll see that there’s a direct link between the 2 functions.

According to Groove, a single happy customer tends to tell 9 more people about your brand, which means that keeping your customers happy can directly impact your sales funnel.

Whether you’re in a service industry like restaurants or travel, or you’re offering products for sale, don’t ignore the power of customer service to improve lead generation.

More than 65% of online users use social media for customer support. If you’re not using X for customer support, you’re missing out on a chance to ‘wow’ your customers and win more business.

The good thing about X is that if you’re monitoring conversations properly, you can respond instantly, create more happy customers, and earn organic word-of-mouth marketing.

When handling customer service on the social media platform, X suggests you:

Respond to customers with enthusiasm.
Repost and quote positive reviews or recommendations.
Move issues that need to be handled to private direct messages.

Other experts offer the following recommendations:

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Respond quickly and with empathy. Take responsibility, even if it’s not your fault.
Have an X account for customer service, but let people know there’s a real person behind it. For instance, add a customer service rep’s first name after a post.
Provide specific guidelines to the reps running your customer service account on X and train them well to handle all kinds of queries.

15. Leverage X Ads for Paid Promotions

Like all social media sites, X has monetization products that allows you to promote your content for increased visibility. You can choose text-based, image, and video ad formats to meet your business goals.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and create an advertiser account, you can run X Ads to drive more engagement.

Here are the steps you need to follow to launch an ad campaign on X:

Step 1: On the X for Business page, click on Launch a campaign.

Step 2: Set an objective for your ad campaign.

Since you’re using X for lead generation, choose Website clicks or Keywords so you can track the people who click through from your ad to your website.

Once you’re ready, click Next.

Step 3: On this page, write your ad copy and decide who can reply to your ad posts.

You can also add images or videos to your campaign.

Hit Save and click on Confirm to proceed further.

Step 4: Enter a headline and your website URL. Hit Next once you’re done.

Note: If you are creating an ad on X for the first time, the social media company will take 24-48 hours to verify your account before allowing you to launch a campaign.

Step 5: On the next page, add your demographics preferences, targeting, budget, schedule, campaign summary, and payment method.

Step 6: Review and launch your campaign.

Larry Kim, a social media ads expert, warns that ads that don’t look like ads get more engagement on X. He suggests using funny images like memes with your ad to get more attention.

16. Run Giveaway Contests

A fun way to improve lead generation on X is to use an online contest to raise brand awareness. For each contest, you should offer a giveaway to incentivize higher participation.

Here are a few ideas to run contests on X:

Ask new followers to post images with branded hashtags.
Ask your X followers to tag a friend in your post comments.
Ask users to follow your account and repost your giveaway post.
Ask your followers to share a photo, meme, or GIF to win a giveaway.

When running a contest on X, make sure that you comply with their rules for running promotions.

If you want to run an online contest across multiple social media profiles, use RafflePress to make the process easier.

With RafflePress, you can create the perfect giveaway using its drag-and-drop giveaway builder and viral giveaway templates.

RafflePress has bonus entry actions you can use to grow your following on X and boost engagement. For example, you can reward users with extra giveaway entries for following you on X, making a post, or retweeting your post.

17. Use Live Video to Your Advantage

Posting videos on X is a great way to get your audience’s attention and convert them into leads. According to research, videos convert much better than reposts or GIFs:

70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand’s video.
72% of businesses say that videos have improved their conversions.
78% of consumers say that watching product videos helps them in their buying decisions.
Internet users are 3x more likely to watch a 15-second video ad than a 30-second ad.
Social posts with videos yield 1200% more shares than text- or image-based posts combined.

These findings aren’t surprising, given the growing popularity of video across the web.

If you want to use video marketing to generate even more leads, consider going live. On X, you can post live videos only from its mobile app. If you have never posted a live video from X yet, here’s how to get started in 4 easy steps:

Step 1: Tap the plus icon on your X mobile app.

Step 2: Tap the Go Live button.

Step 3: Add a description and location if you want. Hold the Go Live button to start the broadcast.

To end the live streaming, press the Stop button on the top left and confirm your choice.

Think of using live videos on X as running a live webinar. If you can give your followers valuable content followed by a call to action, the right people will be tempted to convert as leads or even buy from you.

18. Use X’s Advanced Search to Find Leads

Like searching for hashtags, X has another useful tool that you can use to find the right people and communities. It’s X’s search feature, and it’s pretty simple to use.

Here’s how to search for relevant audiences on X that you can convert into leads.

Step 1: Go to the top of the X dashboard and locate the search box. Type a word or keyphrase related to your niche into the search box. I’ll use ‘content marketing.’

X will suggest relevant account handles in the results. Hit enter (or tap on the magnifying glass icon if you’re on mobile).

Step 2: Here, you’ll see top handles and the latest X posts organized in the same feed. You can follow accounts, engage with posts that you find interesting, or analyze what users are talking about in content marketing.

If you aren’t happy with the results, you can click on the 3 dots icon next to the search bar and go to Advanced search to expand your search parameters.

The advanced search feature allows you to tighten your search query further. It allows you to:

Search by hashtags
Include specific words or phrases
Exclude certain words
Include replies and links
Search by language
Search by account handles
Filter dates

Step 3: To refine your search even more, you can click on the search filter section on the right-hand. Here, you can narrow the search to find posts only from people you follow or from locations near you.

Adjusting your search can help you to identify people who are talking about topics relevant to your business. You can either start following them, start a conversation with them, or engage with their posts to nurture them as leads.

You can also add them to an X list to engage with them on a 1:1 basis.

19. Host or Participate in Twitter Chats

A great way to expand your network when using X for lead generation is to host or take part in Twitter chats.

A Twitter chat is a discussion on X, usually related to a particular topic. For example, Hive, a blockchain-powering app, hosts Twitter chats every month to discuss topics related to cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Many Twitter chats invite expert guests to answer questions people ask during the chat hour. But the chats also see X users chiming in with their thoughts on a given topic.

Here’s an example from Semrush:

One of the advantages of hosting or participating in Twitter chats is that it improves your brand visibility across the platform. People interested in the chat topic are more likely to like and repost the replies. Many users engage in the chat and follow other accounts that are interacting in the chat.

Here’s what X recommends as a best practice when it comes to running a Twitter chat:

Run your Twitter chat like an in-person event with specific start and end times, agendas, and moderators.
Invite experts from your industry to make your chats informative and valuable for the audience.
Ask clear questions that the experts and followers can weigh in on from their unique experiences.
Have a separate, targeted theme for each chat session to drive more engagement each time.

So, how do you find Twitter chats to take part in? Try Tweet Reports or TwChat.

While you can take part in Twitter chats on itself, it’s a lot easier to use a dedicated Twitter chat app like the ones mentioned above. The apps allow you to only see posts related to the topic and easily identify between hosts, guests, or participants.

If your Twitter chat sessions succeed in piquing your target audience’s interest, you can drive a constant flow of leads from X to your business.

Turn Your X Account Into a Lead-Gen Machine

And that’s it! These tips will help you use X for lead generation so you can convert your social media followers into customers.

If you are looking to improve your social media following, you’ll be interested to know how to create a ‘Like Us On Facebook’ popup to grow your following. Here are a few more topics that can help you elevate your social media marketing strategy:

Top Social Media Platforms in the World for Your Business
The Most Important Social Selling Statistics for 2024
17 Best Social Media Management Tools

Ready to leverage X for lead generation? Get started by creating a ‘Follow Us On Twitter’ campaign on your site. Join OptinMonster today to power up your lead generation strategy.

The post How to Use X for Lead Generation: 19 Ideas That You Can Try Today appeared first on OptinMonster.

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