Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.
Google Publisher Center removes the ability to add publications manually. Google is testing placing the snippet date next to the URL. Google now shows IP ranges for user-triggered fetchers. Google Ads has a new warning for low keyword quality. Google and Microsoft impress with earnings reports. And I posted the weekly SEO video recap. Also, I am offline Monday and Tuesday for the last days of Passover.
As an aside – the 15mb limit is for the HTML file, not for the JS / images / API / rendering, etc., John Mueller on X
Search indexes the page’s content, so if you want search to understand something about what you’re doing on the page, then put it in the content., John Mueller on X
The man who killed Google Search?, Hacker News
This is a known issue, you can read about why and when it happens in our docs, Daniel Waisberg on X
It’s normal for not everything to be indexed all the time – and sometimes things get dropped from indexing, for example, if they’re not up to par., John Mueller on X
Industry & Business
Links & Content Marketing
Local & Maps
Mobile & Voice
Search Features
Other Search
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