FX option expiries for 4 October 10am New York cut

Justin is off for a few days. I’ll be posting these for another couple of days before regular (and much better 😉 ) service resumes!


1.1000 (EUR2.09b),
1.1100 (EUR1.07b)


148.00 (US$958m),
146.25 (US$879m)


1.3350 (US$1.68b),
1.3500 (US$993m), 1.3600 (US$657m)


0.6850 (AUD813m),
0.6700 (AUD418m), 0.6650 (AUD300m)

For more information on how to use this data, you may refer to this post here.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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