German Woman Wins World Laughing Championship, Defying Stereotypes

In a surprising twist, Romy Einhorn, a comedian from the Dresden area of Germany has won the hotly contested World Laughing Championship, in contrast to the stereotype that Germans are dour and humourless. 

“This win is a testament to the fact that regular Germans can and do laugh heartily, despite what stereotypes might suggest,” Einhorn said laughing.

Einhorn was a decisive victor, edging out laughing champions from The Netherlands, Canada and The USA. Until this week, Russia and America have dominated the Championship until Germany’s surprise win. 

As a comedian in her native Germany Einhorn often plays everyday roles such as janitor and toilet cleaner, says her victory, shows that regular Germans can be as cheerful as anywhere else. 

The World Laughing Championship, held online brought together contestants competing in over 10 categories including best Diabolical laugh, Most Contagious Laugh and the Laughing Duel. Einhorn even went up against an AI (Artificial Intelligence) Laughing Champion and won. 

“Laughing is still one area where humans excel compared to artificial intelligence. We are far better laughers than AI,” said World Laughing Championship director Albert Nerenberg. “For now.”

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The World Laughing Championship 

The World Laughing Championship aims to promote the positive effects of laughter on mental and physical health. Research shows that laughter can reduce stress, improve mood, and foster social connections. The World Laughing Championship promotes international peace by having people have all nationalities laughing together.  The contest is in its 4th year. 

Media Contact
Company Name: Elevator Entertainment
Contact Person: Albert Nerenberg
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City: Montreal
Country: Canada

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