Google Says Site Name Issues Massively Dropped Since Last Algorithm Update

Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, said on X that the number of issues and complaints posted in the forums about site names being wrong in Google search has “massively dropped” since the last Google site names update in July.

Danny Sullivan said, “Since we released our improvement a few weeks ago, issues reported in the forums have massively dropped. I’m in there regularly on the topic, and it’s just not like before.”

As a reminder, Google launched site names in October 2022 for mobile and then site names for desktop results in March 2023. In May 2023, Google began to support subdomains as well as domains, but not subdirectories. In July, Google pushed a bigger update to improve the Site names to show them more accurately. Google also as of earlier this month supports site names in all languages.

The specific thread Danny was referring to is this one in the Google Webmaster Help Forums. There is a lot there but in terms of what Danny has been replying to recently, so far, all his recent replies point out improper implementation of of the site name structured data or not understanding the caveats in those documents. Here is a screenshot of the recent replies:

There was one weird example that was fixed within 24 hours or so:

Odd. I’m passing this along so we can check on it now.

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) September 13, 2023

But outside of that, things do seem better?

Here is Danny’s tweet:

Since we released our improvement a few weeks ago, issues reported in the forums have massively dropped. I’m in there regularly on the topic, and it’s just not like before.

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) September 14, 2023

Forum discussion at X.

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