Advancing quantum technology requires precise control over quantum states and the ability to entangle particles. This control has seen significant progress in various systems, yet extending it to more complex molecular systems offers unparalleled opportunities. Recent research marks a groundbreaking leap, demonstrating long-lived entanglement between ultracold polar molecules. This achievement...
A new study published in the Journal of Neurosurgery highlights the potential of focused ultrasound technology in treating Alzheimer’s disease. The clinical trial demonstrated that repetitive opening of the blood-brain barrier using focused ultrasound reduced amyloid plaques—protein buildups linked to Alzheimer’s—without using Alzheimer’s medications. In addition to clearing plaques, the...
The social fabric of Iron Age Britain, spanning roughly from 800 BC to AD 100, has long puzzled historians and archaeologists. Recent breakthroughs in genetic analysis are now shedding light on the lives and social structures of these ancient communities. A unique burial site in Dorset has revealed a society...