- Prior month 0.7%
- GDP QoQ 3Q 0.2% vs 0.2% estimate
- GDP Annualized 0.9% vs 0.7% estimate
- Annualize last quarter 2.9%
- Capital expenditures -0.2% versus -0.2% expected. Previous quarter +0.8%.
- Private consumption preliminary 0.9% versus 0.2% expected. Previous quarter 0.9%.
- External demand -0.4% versus expected 0.1%. Previous quarter -0.1%.
The USDJPY is trading to new highs after the data and lose closer to the next target at 157.116. There may be some natural resistance at the 157.00 level as well.
This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.