Danny Pearlstein, policy and communications director for the Riders Alliance, confirmed that the group is dropping its lawsuit against the governor.
Pat Kiernan takes a look at what’s in the papers on this Friday, Nov. 15, 2024.
Dean Brennan’s ulcerative colitis led to a passion for wellness and helping others. The post Health Crisis Drives $50 Million Supplement CEO appeared first on Practical Ecommerce.
El Niño events—periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific—are among the most influential drivers of global climate variability. These phenomena, occurring every two to seven years, disrupt weather patterns worldwide, causing droughts, floods, and wildfires. Predicting how El Niño might respond to human-induced climate change is a priority...
Terrestrial ecosystems play a critical role in regulating Earth’s climate by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This process, known as gross primary production (GPP), represents the largest carbon flux on Earth, driving the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, for decades, scientists have struggled to accurately quantify GPP...
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the world’s biggest health problems. Yet, despite the fact millions of people globally are diagnosed with the disease each year, it remains a challenge to treat. This is largely because the underlying causes are still not fully understood. However, a new study in mice brings...