Scientists pinpoint neural marker for schizophrenia-related cognitive challenges

A recent study in the journal Cell Reports Medicine has highlighted a brain network involved in cognitive challenges faced by people with schizophrenia. Building on insights from animal research, scientists identified that difficulties with tasks requiring attention to conflicting information are linked to weak communication between two key brain areas. This discovery introduces a potential biological marker for assessing cognitive function and tracking treatment progress in schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by a range of symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired emotional expression. Beyond these hallmark symptoms, individuals with schizophrenia often experience significant cognitive challenges, particularly in executive functions such as planning, decision-making, and adapting to new information.

These cognitive deficits can profoundly impact daily life, making it difficult for individuals to maintain relationships, hold jobs, or function independently. Despite advances in understanding the disorder, effective treatments for these cognitive impairments remain limited, leaving a critical gap in care.

The motivation behind the new research stemmed from the need to address this gap by identifying objective, biological markers of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Currently, the diagnosis and assessment of schizophrenia largely rely on subjective clinical observations and self-reports. While these methods can identify psychotic symptoms, they do not provide a clear picture of the underlying cognitive deficits or how these deficits might change with treatment.

Additionally, traditional antipsychotic medications, while effective at reducing psychotic symptoms for many, often have little to no impact on cognitive impairments. This has led researchers to explore alternative ways to understand and address the cognitive challenges faced by individuals with schizophrenia.

The rationale for the study was rooted in decades of neuroscience research pointing to dysfunction in specific brain circuits as a key factor in schizophrenia. In particular, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex—a region responsible for higher-order thinking—and the mediodorsal thalamus—a brain area involved in filtering and prioritizing information—are known to play critical roles in executive functions.

Prior studies in animals and humans have highlighted the importance of the connections between these two brain regions in managing uncertainty and resolving conflicts during decision-making. However, translating these findings into clinically meaningful tools for schizophrenia has remained a challenge.

“I am a physician scientist; I have a PhD in neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania and got my psychiatry training at Mass General Hospital. I have been running a basic science lab that researches cognition through animal behavior and neural recordings over the last decade,” said study author Michael Halassa, the director of translational research in the Department of Neuroscience at Tufts University and author of The Thalamus.

“Our major contribution to the field is the discovery that the thalamus (a structure buried deep in the brain) regulates the prefrontal cortex. This regulation determines how the prefrontal cortex processes incoming information and plans thoughts and actions. The prefrontal cortex is known to be abnormal in schizophrenia and we wanted to understand whether the thalamus is involved in this abnormality based on our animal studies.”

The research involved three experiments, integrating behavioral and brain imaging methods to examine how individuals with schizophrenia respond to uncertainty and conflicting information.

The researchers conducted Experiment 1 to establish a connection between behavioral responses to ambiguous cues and specific patterns of brain activity, particularly focusing on the functional relationship between the mediodorsal thalamus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

To achieve this, the researchers recruited 42 participants: 24 diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 18 healthy controls. Participants completed a novel decision-making task in which they responded to visual or auditory cues. These cues varied in clarity, introducing different levels of uncertainty. For example, some cues were straightforward, making it easy to decide which stimulus to prioritize, while others were ambiguous, requiring the participants to resolve conflicting information.

The task was conducted while participants’ brain activity was monitored using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This setup allowed the researchers to assess both behavioral performance and the connectivity between the mediodorsal thalamus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

The results revealed that individuals with schizophrenia performed similarly to healthy controls when the cues were clear and unambiguous. However, their performance deteriorated when the cues were ambiguous or when conflicting information was presented. fMRI scans showed that this performance drop correlated with weaker connectivity between the mediodorsal thalamus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This finding highlighted the role of this neural network in managing uncertainty and suggested a potential biomarker for executive dysfunction in schizophrenia.

Building on the findings of Experiment 1, the researchers conducted Experiment 2 to validate their results in a larger, more diverse sample. They also aimed to determine whether the neural connectivity patterns observed in the first experiment were predictive of broader cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. This step was essential to establish the reliability and generalizability of their findings and to investigate whether these patterns could serve as a biomarker for executive dysfunction.

For this experiment, the researchers analyzed data from 172 individuals, including 96 with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 76 healthy controls. Participants underwent resting-state fMRI scans, which measure spontaneous brain activity, and completed standardized neuropsychological assessments. These assessments evaluated various cognitive abilities, such as working memory, attention, and processing speed. The researchers specifically examined the connectivity between the mediodorsal thalamus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and analyzed how these patterns correlated with participants’ cognitive performance.

The results confirmed the findings of Experiment 1. Weaker connectivity between the mediodorsal thalamus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was associated with poorer performance on tasks requiring executive function, particularly in individuals with schizophrenia.

Importantly, the researchers observed that this neural connectivity was specifically predictive of working memory performance when the task involved conflicting information. This correlation was not observed in tasks without conflict, suggesting that the mediodorsal thalamus–dorsolateral prefrontal cortex network plays a critical role in managing cognitive interference. These findings reinforced the potential of this neural connectivity as a biomarker for executive dysfunction in schizophrenia.

Experiment 3 was designed to directly observe the engagement of the mediodorsal thalamus–dorsolateral prefrontal cortex network in a task that required cognitive flexibility. While the first two experiments established the relationship between this neural network and executive dysfunction, they relied on resting-state connectivity or offline task performance. To provide further evidence of the network’s role in managing conflict, the researchers needed to examine its real-time activation during a dynamic task.

The researchers recruited 32 healthy participants who performed a probabilistic task-switching experiment during fMRI scanning. This task required participants to adjust their strategies when rules changed unpredictably. For example, participants learned to associate specific tactile patterns with a particular response (e.g., “Go” or “NoGo”) but had to switch strategies when the associations were reversed. This setup required participants to resolve cognitive conflict and adapt their behavior to maximize rewards, providing a robust test of cognitive flexibility.

The results showed that the mediodorsal thalamus–dorsolateral prefrontal cortex network was actively engaged during moments of strategy switching. Specifically, the right mediodorsal thalamus exhibited heightened activation during rule reversals, and its connectivity with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was significantly strengthened.

Furthermore, the strength of this connectivity correlated with participants’ ability to switch strategies quickly and effectively. These findings provided direct evidence that this neural network is essential for managing cognitive conflict and adapting to new information, confirming its role in executive function.

“We applied a new test to schizophrenia patients based on a decade of animal studies, and this test engaged a network involving the thalamus and the prefrontal cortex,” Halassa explained. “How this network engaged was abnormal in schizophrenia, which might helps us categorize schizophrenia better, predict treatment responses, and develop new targeted interventions.”

Halassa added that he was surprised “that animal studies were as predictive as they were given the history of failures from several groups in the past.”

While the study opens exciting possibilities, it is not without limitations. The first experiment’s relatively small sample size restricted the generalizability of its findings and limited the ability to explore demographic variables such as age and sex. Moreover, while the second and third experiments validated and extended the findings, they did not include direct brain-behavior measurements during task performance in patients with schizophrenia. Future studies could address these gaps by conducting larger, more inclusive experiments and incorporating patient data into tasks performed during brain imaging.

The researchers envision several applications for their findings. The identified biomarker could lead to objective diagnostic tools for schizophrenia, reducing reliance on subjective assessments. Furthermore, by targeting the mediodorsal thalamus–dorsolateral prefrontal cortex network, treatments such as non-invasive brain stimulation could be developed to improve cognitive function in patients.

Halassa expressed his gratitude “to the trainees who did all the work and to past and present members of the lab who made all these discoveries possible.”

The study, “A prefrontal thalamocortical readout for conflict-related executive dysfunction in schizophrenia,” was authored by Anna S. Huang, Ralf D. Wimmer, Norman H. Lam, Bin A. Wang, Sahil Suresh, Maxwell J. Roeske, Burkhard Pleger, Michael M. Halassa, and Neil D. Woodward.

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