Urges UK not to counter protectionism with tariffs We must welcome opportunity to rebuild EU relations UK potential growth fell from 2.6% (1990-2008) to 1.3% (2009-2019), further dropping to 0.7% (2020-2023) Main culprit: Weak productivity growth UK consistently at bottom of G7 investment/GDP ratio since late 1990s Labor supply issues compounded by aging population Brexit...
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Understanding the intricate chemical processes of the atmosphere is key to predicting and improving air quality. Among these processes, the sulfur cycle is crucial. Sulfur enters the atmosphere from both natural and human activities, with sulfur dioxide (SO2) being the primary contributor. The concentration of SO2 varies significantly by region,...
Lynch syndrome, a genetic condition caused by germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes, significantly increases cancer risk. This syndrome affects one in 300 people, raising the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer to 80%, along with heightened risks for endometrial, ovarian, and other cancers. The challenge lies in finding...
Advancing quantum technology requires precise control over quantum states and the ability to entangle particles. This control has seen significant progress in various systems, yet extending it to more complex molecular systems offers unparalleled opportunities. Recent research marks a groundbreaking leap, demonstrating long-lived entanglement between ultracold polar molecules. This achievement...