In popular culture, bright lights at the end of tunnels and ethereal out-of-body experiences have grown into familiar narratives surrounding the enigma of near-death moments. But are these mere cultural stories, or do they hold more profound truths about the possibility of an afterlife?
Enter Dr. Jeffrey Long, a renowned cancer expert based in Kentucky. Notably, Dr. Long was once a staunch skeptic. Yet, after investing years into meticulous research, collating thousands of astonishingly similar accounts from diverse backgrounds, he has transformed into a firm believer in the phenomenon known as near-death experiences (NDEs).
Having documented over 5,000 accounts spanning more than 30 languages from various religious and cultural backgrounds, Dr. Long has pioneered an extensive collection of NDEs. His online repository serves as a platform for individuals worldwide to share their brushes with death, delivering gripping tales that challenge our understanding of life and death.
From figures in robes guiding people to fields populated with deceased loved ones to orbs of light leaving bodies and disappearing, the accounts are as varied as they are mesmerizing. Yet, despite their differences, the striking similarity in their core essence is undeniable.
Thirty-seven years ago, Dr. Long stumbled upon an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that shone light on NDEs, without offering a clinical explanation. It was a game-changer.
Recalling his epiphany, Dr. Long shared with Insider, “All my medical training told me you were either alive or dead. But suddenly, I was reading from a cardiologist describing patients who had died and then came back to life, reporting very distinct, almost unbelievable experiences.”
Defining NDEs as lucid experiences undergone by clinically dead or comatose individuals, where they still feel emotions, interact with beings, see, and hear, Dr. Long emphasized their universality. “After analyzing thousands of experiences, I can say conclusively that NDEs are real and, more important, are evidence that there is life after death.” he said in a recent online interview.
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“What highlights this for me is the overwhelming consistency we’ve seen in these accounts regardless of where in the world they’ve occurred. We have received accounts of NDEs translated from over 30 languages, and they are strikingly similar, whether the person is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or atheist. There’s no pattern of prior beliefs or life experience that would explain what is happening—which tells me these are indeed real and otherworldly experiences”, he continued.
In 1998, Dr. Long and his wife laid the foundation for the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, offering a space for global users to chronicle their spiritual encounters. Harry, a contributor, poignantly narrated, “The bits of light closest to me were my parents, family who all passed before…connected to them were people who had influenced me and whom I had influenced.”
Similarly, Star conveyed her transcendence, saying, “A pure, brilliant light engulfed me…I was in the center of a vast nothingness, completely filled with the presence of the living God.”
From Italy, Sarah’s encounter with three ethereal beings was a testament to the universal nature of such experiences. “They gave me so much love…I didn’t want to leave, but I had to go back. That’s how it had to be.”
Delving deep into his collected data, Dr. Long made some startling observations:
When asked if people experience being in an actual physical place like heaven, Dr. Long the data said: “Experiences vary. More than half report seeing an actual realm that could be described as heavenly. Perhaps a quarter are surrounded by light or mist and never see a clearly defined realm. Others never enter what could be called a heavenly realm”.
“When people do see a heavenly realm, many understand it to be a kind of preview, not the actual heaven. The feeling is often that much of the reality of the afterlife is beyond our ability to comprehend, so what they do experience is something they can more easily relate to,” he continued.
According to Dr. Long, only about 12 to 14 percent report seeing or speaking with a being they know to be God, and about 7 percent interact with Jesus, but it happens often enough to be statistically significant.
“One of my favorite Jesus encounters was this person who was a dyed-in-the-wool atheist. Then he had an NDE and actually talked with Jesus. Jesus was wearing a business suit, and the man asked him, “Why are you dressed like this?” And Jesus said, “You wouldn’t have believed it was me if I was wearing a robe.” They both had a good laugh about this. I should add that the man is no longer an atheist.”
Dr. Long’s pioneering work has dramatically shifted his patient care approach. Previously reserved about his research, he now passionately shares his findings when his patients express interest. He ardently believes that an afterlife exists, a sentiment that resonates with his patients.
Expressing his conviction, Dr. Long stated, “I tell them that based on my research, I’m very confident that there’s a wonderful afterlife for all of us and that we will be reunited with our deceased loved ones. And that’s profoundly reassuring to them. To me, it’s a blessing to be able to share that with them.”
His research, thus, serves a dual purpose. Not only does it challenge our understanding of existence, but it also empowers Dr. Long to aid his patients in confronting life-threatening ailments with newfound bravery and enthusiasm.
He sums up his mission beautifully: “My goal is to help them have more healthy days here on Earth. But I firmly believe that if and when they pass, they will be at peace.”
Today, as we navigate the complexities of life, Dr. Long’s groundbreaking work on near-death experiences serves as a beacon of hope, challenging our perceptions, and providing solace in the enigma of existence.
Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.
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