UK September monthly GDP -0.1% vs +0.2% m/m expected

  • Prior +0.2%
  • Services 0.0% vs +0.2% m/m expected
  • Prior +0.1%
  • Industrial output -0.5% vs +0.1% m/m expected
  • Prior +0.5%
  • Manufacturing output -1.0% vs -0.1% m/m expected
  • Prior +1.1%; revised to +1.3%
  • Construction output +0.1% vs +0.2% m/m expected
  • Prior +0.4%; revised to +0.6%

The poor showing in September, particularly the services sector, is what looks to have led to the drag in the quarterly estimate here. It’s not a good look to the UK economy in the second half of the year, especially with conditions likely to keep as they are in Q4 as well.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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