Warning: Unpopular SEO writing opinion

Unpopular opinion alert: Adding new blog posts may not help your site.

(No matter what that content marketing company told you.) 🙄

So many of my new clients — especially subject matter experts — don’t need new content (immediately).

They HAVE content — scads of it scattered across various platforms.

(Maybe that sounds familiar.)

What they DO need is someone to review their content and customer persona, pinpoint opportunities, and develop a baby-step approach to leveraging those older content assets.

Because there are always opportunities. 🔥

Before writing another word, ask…

Are you repurposing the content you have? Or are you writing it once and forgetting about it (which is so common)?
Is your customer/reader persona still accurate, or has your target audience changed post-COVID?
Do your sales pages showcase your benefits and speak to your customers’ pain points? Or are they flat and dull?
Does your content sound like YOU with a point of view? Or is there a massive disconnect between how you talk to clients and the words you use on your site?
When did you last take a peek at your old sales emails and email welcome sequences? Could updating those assets make you more money?
Isn’t it time to save time (and budget) and leverage your existing content?

If you need help untangling your content and messaging, let me know. I love creating content order out of chaos.

After all…



What do you think? Leave your comment below.

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